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Stomp Out Cancer


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Kim, Vice President

I was born and raised in Manistee and work at Corewell Health Hospital
WHY I AM A PART OF SOC FUND: Having worked at West Shore Medical Center, Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital and Corewell Health Hospital  I've witnessed how many people are affected by cancer in our community. My eyes were truly opened to the affects of cancer when my friend  Jess was diagnosed. I had never realized all the traveling one has to endure just to get to treatments, surgeries, and post op appointments.
WHAT I LIKE: I like the feeling of community solidarity we see when we plan events and engage the public. It always impresses me that we have the amount of youth and local businesses involved with supporting our efforts. Whether it’s volunteering at events or putting on their own fundraisers, it is always inspiring and very gratifying. One of my favorite things is reading through the thank you cards our board receives. It’s a highlight and means the world that these patients take the time  to express their gratitude.

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Jill Vasquez, Treasurer
I was born and raised in Manistee. After briefly leaving the area to attend college, I returned to my hometown. My daughter Olivia, son Noah and I feel fortunate to call Manistee home. I have been working in the healthcare environment for over 20 years and am the Human Resources Director at Spectrum Health Ludington and Gerber Memorial Hospitals. 
WHY I AM A PART OF SOC FUND: Cancer has taken the lives of several of my uncles as well as two of my grandparents. It was not until our son Noah was eight months old and diagnosed with brain cancer, that the reality of cancer truly hit home for our family. Noah is striving as a Survivor and was one of our families’ main reasons for helping create the SOC Fund. More recently, we have lost some of our biggest cheerleaders and supporters: SOC Fund President Jessica Scharp, and my husband Roger Vasquez. These personal losses to our SOC Fund family leave a void that cannot be filled. However, in their memory our family is dedicated to continuing to assist those in our local communities who are impacted by and struggling with a cancer diagnosis.
WHAT I LIKE: Being a part of the Stomp Out Cancer Fund is a very personal and rewarding experience for our entire family. Working with our local business owners and neighbors who continue to go above and beyond to assist us is amazing. We are constantly reminded to pay it forward and be kind.

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Kevin Marshall, Secretary

I was born, raised and currently live in Manistee, MI with my wife, Dursa and our daughter
Peyton. Currently, I am employed with AT&T.
WHY I AM A PART OF SOC FUND: I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 21 while
serving in the United States Air Force. I had to have surgery and six weeks of radiation and
have been cancer free since 1998. In addition to my own experience, I have lost my mother,
uncle and grandmother to cancer. My hope is that the SOC Fund can help those facing their own battle with cancer and will allow them to focus on beating this disease; that they know they are not alone in their struggle.
WHAT I LIKE: Working with people and businesses in the community is very rewarding. So
many people have been generous with their time and money to help make the SOC Fund
successful. I'm happy that I can contribute to the SOC Fund and be a part of a charitable
organization helping local cancer patients.

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Jackie  Gielczyk, Assistant Treasurer

I was born and raised in Manistee. I currently work for Richards & McDougall, P.C., as a bookkeeper.

WHY I AM A PART OF SOC FUND: I was volunteering for American Cancer Society and found out about this local charity that gives back to our community. I wanted to do more for our community so I joined the SOC board to help the need closer to home. I have had family members affected by cancer and saw what a process it was to go thru before the SOC Fund was started.

WHAT I LIKE: I want to give back to the community in a way that directly impacts family’s lives. I have volunteered in numerous events and wanted to be part of something that has such a positive impact on the lives of people that are going through a difficult period.

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Amanda Rischel, Media Relations/PR

I currently reside in Manistee, and work as a registered nurse for Munson Healthcare Manistee Hospital.
WHY I AM A PART OF SOC FUND: I am involved because of how prevalent and devastating the diagnosis of cancer is. I have watched family, friends, community members, and patients battle this disease. It is not something people anticipate will happen to them or their family and most are not prepared for the financial burden it brings. In a time where individuals should be focused on their health, they should not be worrying about having enough gas to get to their treatments, or not being able to make their mortgage for the month. Knowing that our organization can help to lessen these types of worries is a huge reason why I am involved.
WHAT I LIKE: I really enjoy seeing the communities of Manistee and Mason Counties come
together to support this cause. The generosity of individuals and local businesses is so
impressive. Although unfortunate circumstances bring about the need for assistance, it is
rewarding to know that what we are doing is making a difference in the lives of our family,
friends, and neighbors.

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Rachel, President

I am a lifelong resident of Manistee.  I have been in the medical field for over 25 years.  I have been employed at Western Michigan ENT for most of those years and work in both the Manistee and Ludington offices.
WHY I AM A PART OF THE SOC FUND: Over the years, I have assisted in the medical treatment of many amazing skin, head and neck cancer patients.  I have seen the financial needs of many of these patients that don’t have medical insurance to cover treatment, medications or even the funds to drive to the cancer treatment centers. My deep commitment to the SOC Fund is not only inspired by my patients, but also by my nephew Noah, who was diagnosed at 8 months old with brain cancer and my friend, fellow board member Kevin Marshall, who are both cancer survivors.  I was also inspired by my friend Jessica Scharp, SOC Fund Co-founder, who lost her 14 year battle to breast cancer in October of 2021. 
WHAT I LIKE: I am thrilled to be part of an organization that can assist our families, friends and neighbors of all different ages, backgrounds and life stories. The SOC Fund has successfully made it this far largely due to community contributions and support.  Being able to assist cancer patients in need is rewarding enough, but having the support of the community hospitals, residents, and businesses makes me realize just how many believe in this organization and the need for the SOC Fund.  This gives me the motivation and the drive to continue putting in all the time and hardwork to make this organization successful.


Together We Can Stomp Out Cancer

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PO Box 783, Manistee MI 49660

Rachel Vasquez @ 231-510-9690

© 2025 Stomp Out Cancer Fund/ SOC-Fund

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